Monday, February 7, 2011


To hate all roses
because you got scratched with one thorn..

To give up on your dreams
because one didn't come true..

To lose faith in prayers
because one was not answered..

To give up on your efforts
because one of them failed..

To condemn all your friends
because one betrayed you..

Not to believe in love
because someone was unfaithful or
didn't love you back..

To throw away all your chances to be happy
because you did not succeed on the first attempt..

I hope that as you go on your way
You don't give in to madness..

Remember always...

Another chance may come up
Another friend
A new love
A renewed strength

"Be persistent" &
"Look for happiness in every day.."

The sure path to failure is to give up..!!
It is often through failure that future success come - Keep Trying..!!

God Bless You..!!

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